Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I got to review this grill brush for free in exchange for an unbiased review. I had an old grill bush that was about the size of an oversized toothbrush that I was using to clean my grill. So, when I got the chance to review this brush I thought o.k. It might be like my old one. I was wrong "WOW", this Grill Brush is huge!
It is the master of all grill cleaners! I can almost cover half my grill in one pass with this big boy.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red245\green245\blue245;\red0\green0\blue0;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs26 \cf0 \cb2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec3 } It made of solid steel and has a nice weight in the hand that made cleaning with it easy. I know of three other grill master that would love this as a gift. The brush also comes with a digital grill cook book that have me great ideas for summer cook out. This is a great product and very ok buy J.

Heat Resistant Silicone Grill Gloves Review

I got to try this product for my unbiased review for free. I loved the color of these gloves fist of all I can always find them when I am in a hurry. They are heat resident up to 425 degrees and can be washed in the dishwasher.

There is something just so fun about using these gloves when I grill out that makes the whole grilling expedience more enjoyable. I also use them in the kitchen now in place of cloth pot holders. The have little heart shapes on the outside of the glove that give a firm grip and hold to anything hot you pick up. You to can get yourself a pair at http://www.kitchen-mastery.com/. I love mine and they would make a great gift for an grill master you love.

Clear Shower Curtain Liner Review

I do not like to take tub baths! I have long hair and I can never get the soap completely out of my hair when I wash it in the tub. So, I love to take shower, but the only problem with showers in the curtin get nasty and moldy after a few weeks. So when I was asked to give an unbiased review of a Mold, Mildew, And Bacteria Resistant curtain for free a was more than glad to. After a few weeks of use I found that the Curtin held up to the makers claims of:

 -Resists the growth of mold, mildew and other harmful bacteria that creeps into unprotected bathrooms
 -Retains shape securely and stays in place while you shower using heavy duty tear proof grommets that last
 - Anti-rusting metal reinforced grommets for maximum long term usage and durability - Provides all showers with a waterproof barrier
 - No Bad/Chemical odors thanks to the special anti-bacterial, heavy gauge vinyl

 So when you get ready to toss your old nasty curtin go to Amazon and buy one of these. I give this product my OK Buy J approved.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Premium Zester/Grater!!!

I have have never had any luck with grades I have owned  it the past. They have always be made of cheap metals that start to rust after a few washes and then in the trash they go. I was glad to be able to try this stainless steel premium grader for free for an unbiased review.

I love that when I took it out of the box it had a plastic cover that help to protect the shaft!

Here is a list of all the great of this grader can do:

- Grate Parmesan cheese over soups and salads
- Add chocolate garnish to a chocolate-drizzled angel food cake
- Mince hot peppers to make a spicy guacamole for game day
- Grate lemons, limes, and oranges to add zest to pesto sauce, dressing, pound cake, and more
- Create an enticing marinade for seafood, chicken, and meat
And the best part is, the Best Premium Zester Grater is safe, easy-to-use, and a breeze to clean up!
- Super thick handle for a safe, comfortable grip - it just "feels right"!
- Extra long, 8 inch stainless steel blade means your zest is the perfect length every time!
- Toss it into the dishwasher when you're done for easy clean up!
- Durable, built-to-last design is backed by a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

I feel that this is the best grader I have ever owned and it would make a great gift for anyone who cooks! So it has earned an OK Buy J!


I got to try a great grill gloves for free and post my unbiased blog review for. I love that the gloves are they are made out of a high heat resident plastic so that I can use them on the grill or as pot holder for the oven.

When I first got these I thought that they would melt but after I took a pan out of my oven that was set a 400 degrees and now I am a believer.

 I love that they are so easy to clean unlike cloth pot holders. I washes them off with dish soap in my sink and let then dry. I also like that they have little bumps in side the glove that they easy to put on. I now have a perfect gift to give to all my family members that love to grill out I will be buying more of these!